Best Plants for Desk at Work

We have compiled a list of the best office plants. Plants can transform your workplace into a more beautiful and cozy space.

Grand Builder also does landscaping, and we provide various types of plants, both indoor and outdoor. We have compiled a list of the best office plants. Plants can transform your workplace into a more beautiful and cozy space.

Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

Peace Lily is an excellent choice for indoor gardening because they’re so easy to grow. Peace Lily has broad, dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers, which give them their common name. They are popular because they don’t need a lot of light. Lily is also known for purifying the air, helping eliminate toxins, and creating a pleasant working environment.

Sanseviria (Snake Plant)

It is one of the toughest houseplants you’ll ever meet: This hardy plant doesn’t need much water or sunlight to grow. It grows best in a room where temperatures don’t drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


Monstera is species of evergreen tropical vines and shrubs native to Central America. They are famous for their natural leaf holes, which have earned them the nickname – “Swiss Cheese Plant.” This beauty can grow almost anywhere that gets low light. Water the plant when the top half of the soil is arid and feed it with plant food monthly.

Peperomia Obtusifolia

It may be small, but it is desk-friendly.  Also called Baby Rubber Plant, this leafy green will grow white flowers as long as it gets watered once or twice a week. Even though it loves bright indirect light, it can tolerate low-light conditions — water your plant more if it’s getting more sun.


Commonly found in dry, harsh deserts, the cactus plant is one of the only plants that thrive on neglect. It can contain much water, enabling the plant to withstand even the most forgetful office workers. Cactus prefer higher light levels, so they will thrive if you are lucky enough to have a window desk.

If you’re still wondering which plant to put on your desk, get in touch with Grand Builder at +971 56 655 5507 | +971 4 457 0358 |

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